The religion of Muslim people, founded in 610 CE by the Prophet Muhammad in the city of Mecca on the Arabian Peninsula.
The holy book of the Islamic religion, written down from the speeches of the Prophet Muhammad.
Along with the Qur’an, the Sunnah has become the source of important traditions, practices, and ways of living for Muslims around the world
All three of these religions believe in one God; for example, Allah is the name of God for Muslims.
Prior to Islam, most people on the Arabian Peninsula practiced polytheistic religions, and the Kaaba in Mecca housed many icons and idols for people to visit during their stay. The Hindu religion has numerous gods, which are also called deities.
The forced separation of one group from the rest of a community.
Though commonly misinterpreted today (as can be seen on the news), jihad actually refers to an internal and personal struggle to be a good Muslim.