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G06: Ancient Greece - Living in the Past: Home

So many ideas, systems and structures that we use today started in Ancient Greece. Let's investigate how they started....

What are we learning?

Democracy and citizenship, tyrants and slaves, wars, colonies and alliances: Ancient Greece was busy with all of these things and many famous thinkers and leaders wrote and lectured about them. They left a huge and lasting legacy. Let's find out about it!

Great Introductions to Ancient Greece

BrainPop is a great place to start your learning. Try their short videos about democracy, Homer, Gods, Athens and more.
Sign in with Google and your email and use the class code file8169 to enter Brainpop for Middle School


Crash Course World Histories are quick introductions and great fun. Check out some of their Ancient Greece content:

Greek Time Travel Brochure Project

Ask your librarian!

Creative Commons License

This guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.

Useful links

MS Databases