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G06: Ancient Egypt - Social Stability and Change: Gr 5 Farmers, Peasants, and Slaves


Farmers, Peasants, and slaves

The kingdom is built on us; we are its foundation

Main Topics

  • Seasons of the Nile - they govern our lives!
  • Farming in ancient Egypt
  • Building the Pyramids - and much more!
    • Organization of workers
    • Living areas in the Valley of the Kings
    • Don’t give aliens the credit we deserve!
      • Moving huge limestone blocks
  • Animal experts and trainers
  • Tomb robbers!
  • Normal, everyday life in ancient Egypt
  • Slavery in Egypt:
    • Not as much as people used to think!
    • Where we came from
    • Buying our freedom

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Search for these words in the index or title:

  • Agriculture
  • Farmer / Farm / Farming
  • Food
  • Slaves / slavery
  • Workers
  • Construction
  • Tomb Robbers

A day in the life of a Slave