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G06: Ancient Egypt - Social Stability and Change: Gr 1 Pharaohs


Famous Pharaohs

  • Pharaoh Akhenaten: The pharaoh that changed Egyptian life and religion by pushing for a change in all Egyptian beliefs - to believe in only one god.
  • Pharaoh Ramses II (Ramses the Great) Perhaps the most famous of all pharaohs (aside from King Tut, who didn’t do much other than have his tomb found intact), Ramses left many artifacts and monuments we still see today. He is also the world’s first creator of a peace treaty! Can you find out more?
  • Pharaoh Ahmose I This pharaoh set the stage for the rise of the great New Kingdom of Egypt, where the Egyptian civilization reached the peak of its power.
  • Pharaoh Cleopatra VII Focus on the REAL Cleopatra of history, during the New Kingdom, when Egypt had to face a choice: fight against the all-powerful Roman Empire, or join with it?
  • Pharaoh Hatshepsut This lady was full of ambition. At first she had to dress like a man for people to follow her, but later she reigned supreme as a Woman Pharaoh. “You go, girl!”
  • Pharaoh Khufu Also known as Cheops. He was one of the original pharaohs of the Old Kingdom. He is responsible for building one of Egypt’s greatest wonders - the Great Pyramid at Giza.
  • Pharaoh Senusret I From the Middle Kingdom, he was known as the “Patron of the Arts”, and helped the artists and craftspeople create the wonderful Ancient Egypt that we still see in ruins today.
  • Pharaoh Menes Shrouded in the mystery of lost history (that rhymed!), King Menes (also known as Narmer) united Upper and Lower Egypt into a vast and powerful kingdom, thus becoming the world’s “first pharaoh”.

Try these online resources

The Most Hated Pharaoh: Akhenaten

King Tut's Treasures

Try these books

Look for these words:

  • Pharaoh
  • Rameses
  • Ahmose
  • Cleopatra
  • Hatshepsut
  • Khufu
  • Senusret
  • Menes

What was it like to be Egyptian Royalty?

The Greatest Female Pharaoh: Hatshepsut

The Greatest Pharaoh: Ramesses II

Pharaoh Ahmose I

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