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Grade 3: Pioneering Culture: Key Events

Explore photos and text from reliable resources to learn more about pioneering, the American Frontier in the 1800's, and the Indigenous Peoples of that time.

Search Terms

Louisiana Purchase, California Gold Rush, Lewis & Clarke Expedition


Discovery - The Gold Rush

Panning for Gold

"The biggest North American gold rush took place in California. It started in 1848 when a carpenter found gold at Sutter’s Mill, near the Sacramento River. By 1849 there were 80,000 gold seekers—called “forty-niners”—in the area" (Britannica).

Lewis & Clarke Expedition

Lewis and Clarke Expedition

"Between 1804 and 1806 a group of U.S. soldiers and explorers traveled from the Mississippi River to the Pacific coast and back. The leaders of this expedition, or journey, were Meriwether Lewis and William Clark.
In 1803 the United States had bought a huge territory west of the Mississippi River. It was called the Louisiana Territory. President Thomas Jefferson sent Captain Meriwether Lewis to find out what was there. Lewis chose Lieutenant William Clark to share the leadership. Lewis and Clark chose men who knew how to live in the wilderness to go with them" (Britannica). 


Click on the picture above ^ to learn more about the path and the events Lewis & Clarke experienced.   

Oregon Trail - Today

Louisiana Purchase

"In 1803 the area of the United States was much smaller than it is today.

In that year, however, the country bought the Louisiana Territory from France" (Britannica).


"After negotiations between the United States and Spain, the southwestern boundary of the territory was changed in 1819. With its final boundaries, the Louisiana Purchase included all or part of 13 modern states" (Britannica).