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Global Issues in Action: Racism in Healthcare

Use this guide for the grade 9 GIA class.

Recommended Databases

Racism in Healthcare

The race-based inequalities in health insurance and health outcomes

Minority Health Disparities | Michelle's Story

TED Talk: David R. Williams - How Racism Makes Us SIck :

If You're Not White It's Harder To Get Mental Health Care

Cancer Health Disparities | Did You Know?


Search for Books

Racism in Healthcare, continued

Birth/Maternal Health
Racism as a Public Health Issue

102 - What Does It Mean to Call Racism a Public Health Issue? :

COVID-19 and Race

One reason why coronavirus hits Black people the hardest

COVID-19 Racial Disparities | Inside The Outbreak | Associated Press

Medical Experimentation without Consent

It's Not Just About Tuskegee: The History of African Americans and Medicine

Creative Commons License

This guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.