Sustainable Consumption by Bridey Heing (Compiled by)
Call Number: 338.92 SUS
ISBN: 9781534507821
Publication Date: 2021
This book examines the role individual consumption plays in climate change, how companies have attempted to become more sustainable and the effectiveness of these practices.
101 Ways to Go Zero Waste by Kathryn Kellogg
Call Number: 640.28 KEL
ISBN: 9781682683316
Publication Date: 2019
Presents tips and advice for responsible consumption and buying choices to reduce your environmental footprint.
Living Without Plastic by Brigette Allen; Christine Wong
Call Number: 640.28 ALL
ISBN: 9781579659400
Publication Date: 2020
A guide to swaping plastic products for a more sustainable living.
Articles from the Global Issues database about air quality in the UAE. You'll need to be logged in. You are encouraged to do other searches in this database as well.
Waste and Pollution by Georgia Amson-Bradshaw (Contribution by)
Call Number: 363.72 AMS
ISBN: 9781725339088
Publication Date: 2022
Briefly explores a wide range of ways waste and pollution get into the environment from human activity, and champions ways readers can reduce their waste and pollution footprint.
"AirNow is a partnership of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Park Service, NASA, Centers for Disease Control, and tribal, state, and local air quality agencies."
From IQAir. "Today, we operate the world's largest free real-time air quality information platform and engage an ever-growing number of global citizens, organizations, and governments."
This map shows the age-standardized mortality rate attributed to air pollution by countries. The rate is shown as deaths per 100,000 people. The global average is 95 deaths per 100,000 people. Any areas in the map above this rate are shown in red.
This gallery contains maps that show different patterns about air quality globally. The data within these maps is derived from NASA SEDAC particulate matter 2.5 (PM 2.5) data.
Noisy Planet is a national public education campaign designed to increase awareness among parents of children ages 8 to 12 about the causes and prevention of noise-induced hearing loss.
"Lowe’s commitment to sustainability has resulted in it winning a green Michelin star and the title of Sustainable Restaurant 2022 at MENA’s 50 Best. We find out why."
2.4 Mindful Consumption - Mug Library
Remember to check out the "Mindful Consumption - General" and the "Recycling and Trash General" boxes on the top of the page.
101 Ways to Go Zero Waste by Kathryn Kellogg
Call Number: 640.28 KEL
ISBN: 9781682683316
Publication Date: 2019
"Presents tips and advice for responsible consumption and buying choices to reduce your environmental footprint."
Consumed by Aja Barber
Call Number: 338.92 BAR
ISBN: 9781538709849
Publication Date: 2021
"Barber invites [readers] to participate in unlearning, to understand the truth behind why we consume in the way that we do, to confront the uncomfortable feeling that we are never quite enough and why we fill that void with consumption rather than compassion."
" . . . by reusing your cup for several years and by limiting the quantity of soap and hot water for washing it, the reusable cup should be the way to go."
"In October 2022, Zero Waste Scotland launched a campaign to highlight the benefits of long-lasting reusable plastics over short lasting single-use ones."
2.5 Mindful Consumption and Energy Use: Lights
Remember to check out the "Mindful Consumption - General" and the "Recycling and Trash General" boxes on the top of the page.
Remember to check out the "Mindful Consumption - General" and the "Recycling and Trash General" boxes on the top of the page.
Unraveled by Maxine Bedat
Call Number: 338.4 BED
ISBN: 9780593085974
Publication Date: 2021
"Bédat follows the life of an American icon--a pair of jeans. From a Texas cotton farm to dying and weaving factories in China, sewing floors in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, back to America where they're shipped out by Amazon warehouse workers. [Bédat] follows the jeans to landfills, or, if they've been 'donated,' shipped back around the world to Africa."
Remember to check out the "Mindful Consumption - General" and the "Recycling and Trash General" boxes on the top of the page.
101 Ways to Go Zero Waste by Kathryn Kellogg
Call Number: 640.28 KEL
ISBN: 9781682683316
Publication Date: 2019
"Presents tips and advice for responsible consumption and buying choices to reduce your environmental footprint."
Consumed by Aja Barber
Call Number: 338.92 BAR
ISBN: 9781538709849
Publication Date: 2021
"Barber invites [readers] to participate in unlearning, to understand the truth behind why we consume in the way that we do, to confront the uncomfortable feeling that we are never quite enough and why we fill that void with consumption rather than compassion."
"Zero waste has been described in various ways by different entities. The following examples share how some municipalities and other organizations have described zero waste."
"The zero-waste movement is all about reducing trash output. The goal is to shrink a person, business, or system's waste production as small as possible by implementing the 5 principles: refuse, reduce, reuse, repurpose, and recycle."
Recycling and Trash - General
Waste and Pollution by Georgia Amson-Bradshaw (Contribution by)
Call Number: 363.72 AMS
ISBN: 9781725339088
Publication Date: 2022
Briefly explores a wide range of ways waste and pollution get into the environment from human activity, and champions ways readers can reduce their waste and pollution footprint.
Trashing the Planet by Stuart A. Kallen
Call Number: 363.72 KAL
ISBN: 9781512413144
Publication Date: 2017-08-01
On a global scale, humans create around 2.6 trillion pounds of waste every year. Learn more about the work of the US Environmental Protection Agency, the Ocean Cleanup Array, the zero waste movement, and the many other government, business, research, and youth efforts working to solve our planet's garbage crisis.
Discusses plastic pollutants, covering how it winds up in the food chain, how it becomes pollution, how it moves around the world as pollution, and more.
5.4 Mindful Consumption/Zero Waste - Markers and Gluesticks
Remember to check out the "Mindful Consumption - General" and the "Recycling and Trash General" boxes on the top of the page.
101 Ways to Go Zero Waste by Kathryn Kellogg
Call Number: 640.28 KEL
ISBN: 9781682683316
Publication Date: 2019
"Presents tips and advice for responsible consumption and buying choices to reduce your environmental footprint."
Consumed by Aja Barber
Call Number: 338.92 BAR
ISBN: 9781538709849
Publication Date: 2021
"Barber invites [readers] to participate in unlearning, to understand the truth behind why we consume in the way that we do, to confront the uncomfortable feeling that we are never quite enough and why we fill that void with consumption rather than compassion."
"Zero waste has been described in various ways by different entities. The following examples share how some municipalities and other organizations have described zero waste."
"The zero-waste movement is all about reducing trash output. The goal is to shrink a person, business, or system's waste production as small as possible by implementing the 5 principles: refuse, reduce, reuse, repurpose, and recycle."
5.5 E-Waste
Remember to check out the "Mindful Consumption - General" and the "Recycling and Trash General" boxes on the top of the page.
E-Waste by David M. Barker
Call Number: 621.38 BAR
ISBN: 9781532110221
Publication Date: 2017
Humanity's impact on the natural world can have disastrous effects.
What Is the Impact of Excessive Waste and Garbage? by Peggy J. Parks
Call Number: 363.72 PAR
ISBN: 9781682828632
Publication Date: 2020
According to the World Bank, more than 2.2 billion tons (2 billion metric tons) of waste and garbage are produced every year. This has created, and continues to create, serious environmental problems for the world's land and oceans.
"Electronic waste (e-waste) is a rapidly developing environmental problem particularly for the most developed countries. There are technological solutions for processing it, but these are costly, and the cheaper option for most developed countries has been to export most of the waste to less developed countries."
"Using mindfulness techniques, this book teaches readers how to intentionally take charge of their technology use."
Channel Kindness: Stories of Kindness and Community by Lady Gaga
Call Number: 361.2 BOR
ISBN: 9781250245588
Publication Date: 2020
"Through the years, they've collected stories of kindness, bravery and resilience from young people all over the world, proving that kindness truly is the universal language."
Noisy Planet is a national public education campaign designed to increase awareness among parents of children ages 8 to 12 about the causes and prevention of noise-induced hearing loss.
NoodleTools is an online research management platform that helps you evaluate information, build accurate citations, archive source material, take notes, outline topics, and prepare to write. Sign in with Google.
This young adult adaptation of acclaimed geochemist and geobiologist Hope Jahren's highly respected nonfiction work is the perfect book for those interested in learning about climate change and how they can contribute to creating a more sustainable future.
"The SDG Data Hub is a comprehensive platform that aims to track, monitor, and report milestones and progress towards the implementation of the SDGs in the UAE."
"The SDG Data Hub is a comprehensive platform that aims to track, monitor, and report milestones and progress towards the implementation of the SDGs in the UAE."
The UAE Energy Strategy 2050 aims to triple the contribution of the renewable energy and invest AED 150 to AED 200 billion by 2030 to meet the country’s increasing demand for energy as a result of a rapidly growing economy.
Analysis of satellite images acquired from the King Abdul-Aziz City for Science and Technology recently published in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment show that the UAE is now home to nearly 50 per cent of all mangroves in the region. Moreover, the mangrove coverage in the Emirates has nearly doubled.
Mangroves are estimated to cover more than 150 square kilometres of the UAE's coastline, acting as a "green lung" for big cities such as Abu Dhabi and Dubai, while also providing habit for wildlife and recreation grounds for humans.
Credo Source is a one-stop research platform combining citable reference content with instructional videos and tutorials, as well as access to other subscription databases. Credo Source is a great starting point for research.
Provides a global perspective, integrating news, global viewpoints, reference materials, country information, primary source documents, videos, statistics, and more. Citations export directly into Noodletools.