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Global Issues in Action: Belonging: Examining Power and Privilege

Use this guide for the grade 9 GIA class.

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Anti-racist Resources

What does it mean to be anti-racist?

13TH | FULL FEATURE | Netflix : This video is a documentary about the U.S. prison system and U.S. history of racial inequality and its effect on the high rate of incarceration in the country.  This documentary is rated TV-MA for mature audiences. Get parent permission before watching.

Jason Reynolds and Ibram Kendi Keynote Conversation | SLJ Day of Dialog 2020 : In the above video, Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi, co-authors of "Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You" opened School Library Journal's virtual Day of Dialog, May 27, 2020. This was recorded in 2020, at the height of the protests following the murder of George Floyd.

Abolitionist Teaching and the Future of Our Schools : The above video is a conversation with Bettina Love, Gholdy Muhammad, Dena Simmons and Brian Jones about abolitionist teaching and antiracist education. This was recorded in 2020, at the height of the protests following the murder of George Floyd.

Systemic Racism Explained : What is systemic racism? The video above explains what systemic racism is and how to solve it.

Black Parents Explain How to Deal with the Police : In this thought-provoking emotional video, black parents share what they teach their children to say/do when confronted by the police.

Defining Terms


Privilege Resources

In what ways does privilege exist and how can people use their privilege for those who are marginalized?

Kyla Lacey - "White Privilege" | (NPS '16) | All Def Poetry : In the video above from the All Def Poetry YouTube channel, "a multi-platform media company leveraging the cultural power of hip-hop, comedy, poetry and social justice",  Kyla Lacey speaks out about white privilege.

How Housing Redlining Contributed to the Racial Wealth Gap and Segregation | NowThis : The video above explains "how housing policies like racial redlining have gotten us here."

TEDxEMU - Justin Ford - Pedagogy of Privilege : This video from TEDx Talks presents a talk introducing the "Multi-Dimension" model of privilege, "a holistic, comprehensive approach to teaching the concept of privilege."

I'm Tired of Talking About Race | Jasmine Roberts | TEDxOhioStateUniversity : In the video above, Jasmine Roberts speaks about the emotional fatigue experienced by people of color when discussing race with their white counterparts, coupled with solutions to this growing concern. Jasmine Roberts is an educator, writer, and strategic communication professional.

Deconstructing White Privilege with Dr. Robin DiAngelo : In the above video, author (and antiracist educator) of "What Does it Mean to Be White? Developing White Racial Literacy", Dr. Robin DiAngelo, explains various aspects of racism and white privilege.


Intersectionality Resources

How does an understanding of intersectionality promote justice and equality?

Intersectionality 101: The above video was produced by the organization Teaching for Justice.

What is Intersectionality?: The video above was commissioned and produced by Professor Peter Hopkins, Newcastle University.

Running for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women: The above TEDx Talk is by Rosalie Fish, an 18-year-old member of the Cowlitz Tribe and a competitive runner from the Muckleshoot Reservation in Auburn, Washington.

The Urgency of Intersctionality: The above video is a TED Talk from Kimberle Crenshaw, "Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw is an American lawyer, civil rights advocate, philosopher, and a leading scholar of critical race theory. She is a full-time professor at the UCLA School of Law and Columbia Law School, where she specializes in race and gender issues."

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Linda Hoiseth

High School Librarian

Twitter: @lhoiseth

Sana Daher

MS/HS Library Instructional Assistant