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G06: China: Legalism

Qin Dynasty

Creating an Empire

Qin Shihuangdi was influenced by Legalism. He replaced feudalism with a strong central government under his control. He divided his territory into 36 districts, each governed by three officials. He used harsh measures to enforce his power.

Standardizing the Culture

The Emperor of Qin unified China and also greatly expanded its borders. He standardized Chinese laws, money, weights, measures, and writing.

Protecting the Northern Border

Among the emperor's many construction projects was the Great Wall, which he built to protect China's northern border from invaders.

Ending Opposition

Many of Emperor Qin's actions aroused opposition. He brutally censored and executed his critics, including Confucian scholars.

The Emperor's Death and the End of the Qin Dynasty

Although the emperor searched for a way to become immortal, he died in 210 B.C.E. He was buried in a huge tomb, along with many treasures and an army of 6,000 life-size terra-cotta figures. His amazing tomb was discovered in 1974. Revolt broke out after his death and civil war raged until the Han dynasty was established.

(From History Alive)

Articles - Legalism

Legalism Explained