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Summer Reading at ASD: Middle School

Summer is for family, friends, foreign lands and fun. It's also for reading. The ASD Libraries hope all students and families will make time to learn from and lose themselves in books.

Summer Reading in Middle School

The Middle School at ASD does not have a required summer reading list. BUT...we believe strongly in the power of reading and we really want all our students (and parents and teachers!) to read throughout the summer. Research consistently shows that students who make time for regular reading over the summer come back to school in the fall much better prepared and ready-to-go for the next school year. Even better, it's much more important that you do read (consistently) than what you read. So....use these resources if you need some help, but find some great reading!

eBook/Audiobooks on Sora

Students can access ASD's ebook and audiobook collection all summer long from anywhere. All MS students are already connected to Sora and can access it on their laptops via the Google Apps waffle or on iOS or Android app using their ASD email credentials.

MS Favorites on Sora (ebooks): But we have 1000 more!

The Apothecary
New Kid

Magazines in Sora...sooo many!

We have Magazines in Soramore than 400 magazines available in our Sora e-book collection. You can read the entire current issue and for most titles you can access two or three years of back issues. Access them in Sora like you would for books, just seet your search preference for "magazines". Enjoy!      

Sora Magazines our Teens may enjoy

Suggested Book Lists

Our favorite books by grade

24-25 Core Collection by Grade

Our MS Reading Guide

Summer Reading Lists

These are some of our favorite summer reading lists if you are looking for reading ideas. You should also ask a librarian if you are near to a public library; many public libraries support wonderful summer reading programs and will be happy to help.

What Should I Read Next? Book Discovery Tools

Click to use one of these discovery tools to explore similar titles, authors or genres.